Tuesday, 14 April 2015

wk:2 demolition and groundworks week 2 of 7...

Another short week after Easter but Simon and his team have been cracking on. They are literally stripping and separating everything before knocking in the walls, to the extent of actually taking  the kitchen and bathroom tiles of the walls. There have been a lot more layers of bodging discovered than even we guessed so the strip has been a bigger job than expected. But they are still in high spirits and reckon to have the place down by the end of week 3 and to be onto digging footings by the end of the same week. Seems optimistic but at least the weather is being very kind to us so far.

I think there is a lot to be said for the placement of the bath here.

Kitchen before and after!

Looking into the dining room from the kitchen. If only we had known there was more wood effect wallpaper behind there.

Concrete roof tiles - lots and lots of them!

Growing up we had this very same oven. It even had a rotisserie in it for roasting chickens. Alas its roasting days are over. When we moved in, the roasting spit (if that is what you call it) was gone. I think this is karma for a past crime against a rotisserie. Em did manage to bake some pavlovas in it but generally we used it as the cake cupboard. 

All timbers gone apart from the sizeable purlins which we have asked to keep. They'll probably sit at the bottom of the garden and rot slowly until I take up chainsaw sculpture in my retirement and make awful carved things. 

Showing windows out and stacked against the garage.

In other news the offsite construction of the frame was meant to start this week but has been pushed back by a week, so should now start next week with a little luck. The framing material should have arrived from Steico in Poland and be sitting at Jonathan's workshop. This is what the walls will be made of Steico I-Joists. They may not look very exciting but hopefully the sum of the parts and all that...

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