Tuesday, 28 April 2015

wk:4 demolition and groundworks week 4 of 7...

The end of week 4 saw the first trenches dug for the foundations along the northern edge of the build. This was really exciting as it was actally happening concurrently with the last of the old house being carted away, no time is being wasted.

The two parallel trenches are for the back wall of the house and the retaining wall further out, there will eventually be a path between the retaining wall and the house that runs around the side of the house which can be seen in the plan below.

The plan view below gives and idea of what footings will be needed. Again Chris has been fast and loose with a liberal peppering of sports cars. Maybe this is meant to represent a day when he comes to visit.

Next week: more trenches, and maybe even some concrete to look forward to.

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