Friday, 1 May 2015

wk:5 demolition and groundworks week 5 of 7...

Now five weeks into the project and Team Tozer are still cracking on. With the concrete down, now the blocks are starting to come up at a pace. They will finish flush with the top of the slab that the timber frame sits on. Nathan (to the right) I believe is secretly managing the project and reporting back to Simon in his base in the Bahamas, as he doesn't seem to have left the site in the last five weeks. Brendan (left) a relative newcomer is the man responsible for the blockwork. Hat's off to these guys though, who were still hard at it at 6pm the evening before a bank holiday weekend!   

In terms of levels the earth within the blockwork will be brought up roughly 200mm with earth followed by 150mm of crushed hardcore, 200mm of foam glass insulation and then the 150mm of concrete slab.  

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