Sunday, 14 June 2015

wk:11 scaffolding, stud and some 1st floor structure...

The scaffolding arrived at the start of the week. All of a sudden its starting to look like a pretty big thing!

All (I think) of the stud work is now pretty much in on the ground floor which allows us to really get a good feel for the rooms and sizes. Here Thea and Em are checking out the downstairs bedroom in the NE corner, which no doubt Thea is already earmarking as a playroom

As the week closed a lot of the structure to support the floor at the first floor level, is now in position.

The steel (red) is for a cantilevered section that makes up part of the stairs. Which should look a bit like this with a bit of luck, The cantilevered section being the apparently unsupported bit immediately on your left at the top of the stairs. The top of the stairs rises due south to take advantage of the view as you climb:

And from a finished perspective - something like this! Though we haven't decided on the colour of the dog yet.

Emma and Thea have been working on trying to make sure some of the plants from the old garden survive to see Riverways mark II. 

I have mostly just been standing around!

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