Again a week with some time lost as a result of bad weather but we do now have some wood fibre board on the downstairs external walls and most of a roof.
Here the metal channel is fixed to the edge of the slab for the wood fibre board to sit in.
And here it is like huge sheets of LDF but doubtless much higher spec. It looks like it should absorb water like weetabix but amazingly when I ran, even a cut face, under the tap for a few minutes it appeared to be fairly resistant to absorption.
Here the metal channel is fixed to the edge of the slab for the wood fibre board to sit in.
And here it is like huge sheets of LDF but doubtless much higher spec. It looks like it should absorb water like weetabix but amazingly when I ran, even a cut face, under the tap for a few minutes it appeared to be fairly resistant to absorption.
The shot below shows the thickness (something probably approaching 90mm).
The shot below shows the inside of the first floor (looking west along the southern balcony line) with roof frames all in place and a layer of membrane above (hence its starting to look darker inside. This is all helping to give a much better idea of the spaces inside the house on the first floor.
The photo below shows the roof from the outside. The 2"*2"s are ready to have the OSB Boards laid ontop. Eventually there will be an EPDM single ply waterproof membrane on the very outer surface.
The final photo just gives a quick look from the south (front). Quite hard to get a good idea because of all the scaffolding but the three bays of the house stand out clearly. Apparently the windows from Katsbeck arrive from Austria on Monday.
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