Saturday, 12 September 2015

week 24: roof on and cladding started...

Its been a bit more than two weeks since the last update. In terms of what's been going on.

Roof. Jonathan had appointed B&C Roofing from Plymouth. The job turned out to take a good deal longer than expected. Firstly they had concerns about the scaffolding location so left the site to return the following day with a guardrail which they erected on the opposite side of the roof to where they were working (which seemed a bit odd but doubtless health and safely). So a day and a bit down. Then we lost a series of days through bad weather which obviously cant be helped and some "discussion" about quality of workmanship, appropriateness of detailing etc which resulting in B&C understandably halting work till the matter was resolved. There was a good deal of discussion with various parties including distributors, manufacturers and others and one thing that is clear is that the manufacturers and distributors guidelines are far from consistent which makes evaluating work a tricky business.  

However the rubber roof (think single layer of bicycle inner tube style rubber stuck and jointed) was finally completed on Tuesday 8th. Interestingly Jonathan plans to do the remaining sections of EPDM roofing (on the balcony, canopy over the front door etc) with his own team.

Some of the areas of concern below (admittedly when the job was still in progress)

 Detailing of EPDM laid over a drain pipe connector that passes through the parapet wall.

On completion:

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