Thursday, 21 July 2016

week 39: (22/12/2015) Getting in for Christmas....

The scaffolding is down! so nice to see that gone and see the cladding and woodwork without all the interference. Now we can't wait to see it with the bottom cedar and glass panels. That will definitely be not done for Christmas. 

14th of December and the kitchen still looks a long way off being finished but we have faith! Kitchen is by Leicht supplied by Kitchens By Design of Westbury on Trim. We went for very simple handleless units and a sleek 17mm stainless steel worktop with seemless sink and drainer. Very excited to see that in. My father says it will look like a morgue!

As can be seen there is plenty to still install.

 Getting there slowly. 16th December. This day was genuinely incredible. At that stage I had been trying to keep the place relatively clean and tidy but the onslaught on this day changed all that. 4 chippies all going hell for leather with routers, planers, circular saws you name it to finish off the crucial internal wood work, you have never seen such a state. I thought it would never clean up. But to give them there due the cracked through a huge heap of stuff. Window sills, stair wall cladding, cleaning up the oak posts, etc etc The place literally went from looking like a building site to a house. At around this stage (its a bit of a blur) Micheal did an incredible job cleaning the house from top to bottom. Took him an age but he did a great job.  

Just to make life a bit more interesting two large sheets of glass to be the study walls arrived and had to be hoisted up to the first floor via a hired lift and installed as there was nowhere to keep such big delicate and lethal sheets of 20mm toughened glass.

Here Micheal, Ash, Tommy and Zac prepare to lift the sheets into the u section tracks (here covered in blue tape) 

Utility units are pretty much in as much as they will be now for Christmas.

Somebody finishing off some flooring in the study. The glass walls looking good. I fitted the floor around the channel which was fastened to the chipboard subfloor. Was a bit of a mission to cut an accurate channel but really pleased by how it looked in the end.

In the bathrooms some plywood walls, that will eventually be covered with builtin shelved units with mirrored doors, had gone mouldy after getting wet and not drying out. David seen here painting over the mould to make it look a bit more palatable for Christmas.

Mark was still working on the kitchen and various other things were going on but it didnt stop Em installing the Christmas tree that she had bough some days before. Helped by Thea, Granny and Grandma.

Not to be outdone by Grandpa, seen here applying some clear matt lacquer to the  window sills, whilst Granddad wires the inbuilt speakers recessed into the ceiling!

Writing this now in July! the one photo I wish I had taken would have been of Jonathan, Micheal, Tommy, Zac and Mark on the last day they were all onsite. It feels like we should have had a well done everybody and thanks for all the really hard work and great push to get us in for Christmas type photo with a few celebratory beers.

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